Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My father made me a promise, By Eddie Windsor

Many people have asked me for the secrets to my success. Really, it’s hard to put your finger on any one thing that creates success, but if I had to pick one area, I would say it was the life application lessons that I learned from my father. My father would say, “Son you must decide. Will you choose the blessing or the curse?”

Over and over again, my father would say, “Son, a person cannot touch a man or woman of God with their mouth and not have it affect the speaker every time.” You will be affected either in a positive or negative way, but know this, the words of your mouth will have an effect.

He would say, “Son, many people think that God turns a deaf ear as people tear down His ministers.” But, they are sadly mistaken. They will be affected every time! People think that they are getting away with something, but they are forfeiting the full blessing of God in their life. We only see what is; God knows what could have been!

My father told me this principle hundreds of times in my life. People ask me how I ended up working with hundreds of pastors around the world and why hundreds of pastors trust me with their intimate thoughts and details of their lives and ministries. The truth is because my mom and dad modeled such love, honor and respect for the ministry office of the pastor. I guess it shouldn’t be such a surprise that I have dedicated my life to the building up and supporting of pastors. If you think about it, far too many people talk freely about what they like and don’t like about their pastor and their church. Often, their children or others are listening. Those seeds will grow up and produce a harvest. When those negative seeds produce their fruit in your children’s lives, you blame the Devil, but God is looking at you!

My father told me, “Son, if you will honor your pastors, your life will be blessed. I promise!” I can still hear his voice, “Use your words to honor, not to tear down.” My father always kept his promises! My life is blessed beyond measure!

I am my father’s son,

Eddie Windsor

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