Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My Father taught me to walk on water, By Eddie Windsor

I remember as a child lying in the tall grass soaking in the warm sun besides our family lake. I could hear my mom and sisters splashing each other and the screams as they played "Queen of the inner tube." As I laid in the warm sun I heard someone walking towards me in the grass, I opened one eye and sure enough it was my dad.

My dad was and will always be my hero! As a young boy growing up I was convinced nothing was impossible for my dad. And talk about smart, my dad was smart. My dad sat down in the grass beside me and said, Son what are you doing over here all by yourself! I said dad is it possible to walk on water? My dad said, Son walking on water can be very difficult, but not impossible. Jesus, he walked on water! I said, Dad I want to walk on water. My dad just smiled and rubbed me on the head. Dad have you ever walked on water? I was shocked when my dad said yes. I said no way! He said son I have walked on water many many times. I said Dad can you teach me how to walk on water? He said son you don't teach a person how to walk on water, if the conditions are just right anyone can walk on water. He then said son you just be patient and I promises someday I will help you walk on water. I said dad I want to walk on water right now. He said you go down to the lake and practice. So that is exactly what I did. I remember walking up to the waters edge and taking that first step. I remember how disappointed I was as my foot went down into the water. I thought to myself my dad said walking on water was not impossible! So I tried several more times before giving up.

I loved growing up on a cattle ranch; it was a world full of adventure. I remember one night my dad came into my room and said son in the morning we will hook up the sled on the tractor and pull you through the snow. I said dad there is no snow out there. He said there will be by morning, the weatherman said we are going to get a pile tonight! And sure enough when I woke up in the morning it was snowing like I had never seen before. So after my mom made us a big breakfast we headed out into a winter wonderland.

What a great time we were having then my dad stopped the tractor and said son come here for a minute. We were walking down towards the family lake. I said dad what are we doing? He said son I'm going to teach you a lesson. My dad took me by the hand and we walked from the shore onto the frozen lake. We walked all the way across the lake and then back. I said to my dad what lesson are you going to teach me? He said how to walk on water son. I can still remember that moment like it happened yesterday.

Champion Life Church Eddie & Tammy WindsorImage by Eddie Windsor via Flickr

It is hard to explain my thoughts at that moment. My mind was racing. There i was walking on water. What was impossible a few months before was now possible.

My dad then said, Son remember I told you walking on water can be very difficult, but not impossible. He then said many of the dreams in your heart will look impossible for you to obtain. Obstacles that look unmovable, challenges that look unsolvable. He said when this happens son I want you to remember the ice! My dad was right. I have faced many impossible obstacles and challenges in life and when this happens I hear my father's voice say look for the ice.

I am my fathers son,

Eddie Windsor

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