Wednesday, January 13, 2010

You may get what you want – But you may not want what you get, By Eddie Windsor

You may get what you want – But you may not want what you get.

The more I thought about that statement the more I realized how true it was. Think about it… You argue with your spouse… You win the argument…. You got them to give in… So you got what you want but my guess is you won’t like what you get.

You force your child into submission… You don’t talk to them and share the reasons why… You force and they submit to your ideas and desires… Ok you got what you want for now but as the child gets older I promise you won’t want what you get.

You’re married but there is this cute blonde at work that has caught your eye. You fantasize about her… She gives you the look… You might get what you want BUT I promises you will not want what you get.

Exodus 33:3 “Go up to the land flowing with milk and honey. But I will not go with you, because you are a stiff-necked people and I might destroy you on the way." (New International Version)

Now listen, God tells Moses. I understand your goal is to enter Cannon. I understand you have dreamed of entering Cannon. I understand you worked and struggled to get to cannon. And God says, Moses go ahead you can enter Cannon. BUT I’m not going to stop you. It’s your decision BUT I’m not going in with you! Was God saying No? No! He was saying yes but not yet! Moses might get what he wants BUT he would not want what he gets!

What does that look like? Let say your single and you desire to have sexual intimacy. So you say God this is it! I’m willing, they’re willing. God this is my promise land! God say’s, do what you want BUT I’m not in this relationship!

See Moses decided that the promise land was no longer the promise land if God wasn’t there.
Can I help you today? Anytime you stand at the edge of a relationship and God says, You can go in but I’m not going in with you! You might get what you want, but not want what you get!

Stay Connected To Eddie